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I am a Partner

Getting involved and supporting iDEA

Partner with iDEA

The Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award, known as iDEA, has a global reach. The programme helps people gain career enhancing digital and enterprise skills - for free.

We are working with several Partner organisations to introduce iDEA to a broad spectrum of learners, to develop our exciting, diverse series of badges, and to accredit activities, initiatives, programmes and events.

Meaningful social impact

Together with our Partners, iDEA is creating meaningful social impact; helping make a difference as part of a global community that enables digital skills education.

Nurturing talent

Partners are getting involved because they see iDEA as a way to help inspire, shape and recruit the talent pipeline for their businesses and the wider digital economy.

Let's talk

If you are interested in working together & being part of a global community that enables digital skills education

Get in touch

Skills for a digital world

iDEA is being used as a tool to help digital inclusion and digital literacy. Digital badges are bite-sized learning modules which are accessible, achievable and independent of excelling in formal learning environments. They are split into categories which span the core competencies of the digital world.

Creating opportunity

As well as being fun, the badges on iDEA provide a visual acknowledgment of achievement which can then lead to increased employment marketability in the STEAM and enterprise sectors. iDEA aims to be a key employability tool to support the development and showcasing of digital and enterprise skills.

Record of Achievement

With iDEA’s Record of Achievement and industry-recognised Awards, people can demonstrate their digital and enterprise skills to potential employers.

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