iDEA wins Bronze!

iDEA wins Bronze!

iDEA has won the Learning Technologies Learning Organisation of the Year 2020 Bronze Award

19 November 2020 News

We are delighted to share that iDEA has won the Learning Technologies Learning Organisation of the Year 2020 Bronze Award! 🎉

The iDEA team is proud to have received the following feedback from the LTA judges:

iDEA’s focus on providing free learning to grow digital skills is deeply impressive and their philanthropy is a benchmark for the e-learning industry. With a growing user base and even more end-user stories, they could be a category winner in the future. They are certainly ones to watch. They show the power a small number of people can make in changing the world for the better.

Thank you to all our incredible supporters & partners without you, it wouldn't be possible. 

Congratulations to all LTAwards nominees & winners! 

iDEA wins Bronze!

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