We would like everyone who facilitates group learning to understand how they can make the most of our free resources and portal to help boost the knowledge, skills and confidence of their cohorts of learners.
With the support of our partner Ufi VocTech Trust, we have improved the sign-up journey for organisations and added some extra help for onboarding learners.
If you are an organiser or facilitator getting started with iDEA, as part of the sign-up process you will now be taken through some short simple steps to register your organisation. You will then be guided through the process of creating your first group, so that later you can invite learners to join it. After registering your organisation and creating a group for learners to join, you will land straight into the iDEA portal where our new Quick Guide for Organisers pops up to tell you more about how it works.
Once you have successfully onboarded your first learner and they have achieved an iDEA badge, you will be awarded with your very own iDEA Organiser badge!
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£0 raised towards £50 for reducing server lag and high pings
There are currently over 100 learners online using iDEA.org.uk